Car Accident Injuries That Are Common
Our car accident lawyers in the Greater Los Angeles region have the legal experience to assist collision victims with motor vehicle deaths and typical car accident injuries, such as: Femur breaks, broken ankles, skull or pelvic splits, and other bone fractures are examples of open fractures Post-traumatic stress disorder (‘PTSD') can be mild or severe Car accident fatalities due to wrongful death Amputation of a digit: nose, ear, fingertip, or foot Collapsed lung/deflation damage Cuts, scars, and wounds that are still open Facet Joint Syndrome is a condition that affects the joints in the Edema causes joints to bulge. Fractures at the hairline Cervical lordosis/whiplash Damage to Internal Organs Friction Causes Burns Cuts or scrapes Ribs that have been cracked Joints that hurt Disk has slipped Migraines Bruising Scratches Bleeding TBI (traumatic brain injury) is a type of head injury Important Laws Regarding Automobile Insurance California's insurance system is tort-based, whi...